Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Warning Signs of a Stroke

Warning Signs of a Stroke:

Strokes can occur to anyone regardless of gender, race, or age. The risk of developing a stroke does increase significantly with conditions such as smoking, old age, diabetes, heart conditions, and a family history of developing strokes but it is a common enough issue that every single person needs to be aware of the warning signs of a stroke. 

According to the American Heart Association there are three types of stroke:

1) Ischemic: This is when a blood clot forms that interrupts blood flow to the brain

2) Hemorrhagic: This is when a blood vessel erupts and there is bleeding in the brain

3) Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA): This is caused by a temporary clot that disrupts blood flow to the brain. Also called a "mini stroke"

Strokes are serious events that can cause permanent damage or death. If you or anyone you know shows signs of having a stroke it is crucial that you seek help immediately by calling 9-1-1.

Signs to watch for:

-Changes in vision in one or both eyes
-Changes in balance including shuffling feet when walking
-Numbness or tingling on one side of the body: particularly your face (paralysis), arm, or leg
-Sudden severe headache
-Difficulty speaking
-Shortness of breath

If you are observing some of these warning signs in yourself or others seek help immediately. Seeking help quickly can help to lessen the damage caused by a stroke.

Think of the acronym FAST:

F- Face- Ask the person to smile. Is their face drooping to the side?
A- Arms- Ask the person to raise both arms. Is one hanging lower than the other or unable to raise?
S-  Speech- Does the person sound muffled or slurred when they speak? Do they seem confused?
T- Time- the time to act is NOW. Call 9-1-1.

You can help lower your risk by maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle and talking to your doctor about any other treatments or options available.

Thanks for reading! Who knows, this may save yours or someone else's life! Help raise stroke awareness by sharing this with others!


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