Thursday, January 8, 2015

White Sinks are Not Your Best Friend

White Sinks are Horrible to Clean-

Yeah, the above statement is totally true. They look gorgeous when they are nice and white and pretty, until you stick something in it. If you leave metal sitting on it too long they get these horrible rust marks on them. If you pour coffee or juice on it and it's allowed to sit for more than 10 seconds it starts to color. Here's what mine currently looks like:

Ok so what do you do? Stop using it?

Step One: Clean out the sink- use a sponge and some soap and scrub it down good.

Step Two: Fill it up with COLD water and pour 1/4 cup of bleach into it. Let sit for 30 minutes.
My horribly expensive cheapo bleach

Step Three: Still using the cold water (drain some if you need to) take a clean sponge and start scrubbing in slow small circles. 

Step Four: Drain and spray down with hot water, this deactivates the bleach and helps remove the smell. Vinegar will actually help remove the smell if you do a quick scrub around the inside with hot water.
Mine still isn't horribly pretty but better than it was!

This can take one to several applications over time. Rust stains in particular are the worst. The best thing to do for your white sink is to get a plastic dish tray and place in in the bottom so no dishes can touch the bottom. Or just ignore it by making the hubby do the dishes ;)


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